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Um-Ah Counter
When you are the Ah-Counter
The purpose of the Ah-Counter is to note unnecessary words and sounds used by members who speak during the meeting. Words or phrases that may be used inappropriately or unnecessarily include and, well, but, so, and you know. Sounds may include ah, um, and er. Serving in the Ah-Counter role provides an excellent opportunity to practice listening skills.
Prior to the Meeting
- Prepare a brief explanation of the duties of the Ah-Counter for the benefit of guests.
Upon Arrival at the Meeting
- Be prepared to take notes as people speak during the meeting. You may need to use the Ah-Counter’s log provided by your club. Collect it from the Sergeant at Arms.
During the Meeting
- When introduced, explain the role of the Ah-Counter.
- Throughout the meeting, listen to speakers and note unnecessary words, sounds, and pauses. Tally the sounds or words each person uses throughout the meeting.
- When called on by the General Evaluator during the evaluation section, you may stand near your chair and give your report.
- The responsibilities of the Ah-Counter conclude with the meeting.