GETTIng Started

Here are some resources to help you on your new Toastmasters journey.


Toastmasters International proudly presents Pathways, an innovative educational program designed to enhance your public speaking and leadership skills. As a new member , you’re embarking on a journey to hone your public speaking abilities while aligning your learning with your personal and professional aspirations.

Beginning Your Pathways Journey

Your first step in Pathways is to acquaint yourself with the Pathways platform, which will guide you through various stages of the program. Signing up is simple: just log into the Toastmasters International website and choose a Path that aligns with your interests and goals. (see this resource for a guide)This choice can be based on personal preference or guided by an assessment to help identify your areas of interest.

The Ice Breaker and Beyond

Your Pathways journey starts with the “Ice Breaker” speech, an opportunity to introduce yourself to fellow Toastmasters. This speech should be discussed with a mentor and scheduled with your club’s Vice President of Education. It marks the beginning of a series of projects focused on different skills, each with its own set of challenges and learning opportunities.

Progressing Through Projects

As you progress, you’ll complete various projects in sequential order, although the program allows flexibility to suit your learning style. Each project and speech comes with specific evaluation forms that are crucial for your growth, as they provide essential feedback from your evaluators.

Achieving Recognition

Completing different levels in your chosen path involves submitting a Level Completion Request. This is a significant step towards achieving the status of a Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM), a prestigious accolade in the Toastmasters community.

Additional Resources