
When you are an Evaluator

Serving as an evaluator is an opportunity to practice leadership skills, including listening, critical thinking, providing feedback, and motivation. At first, it can be intimidating to provide feedback. Always remember that the most important benefit of Toastmasters for members is the honest, fair, and supportive evaluation of their presentations and leadership accomplishments.

Make use of the Pathways evaluations to help you clearly identify where speakers succeeded and where there is room for continued growth and improvement. For each presenter you evaluate, find a few things they did well and mention them in your evaluation. Your purpose is to help members be more self-confident and improve their speaking skills.

When you have the opportunity to provide feedback for a member fulfilling a leadership role, your goal is to help the member become more effective so they are better able to achieve their goals. Offering support for what they did well and fair, supportive feedback for places where their leadership skills can be enhanced and improved will move them toward that result.

The most effective evaluators make themselves aware of the member’s skill level, habits, and mannerisms, as well as their progress to date whenever possible.

Prior to the Meeting

Upon Arrival at the Meeting

During the Meeting

After the Meeting

Additional Resources